Midnight is a liminal space...
As I sit here now in Service to the Divine at my secular job my mind races, unsteady and unable to be quieted. I connect to the Earth beneath me, sending my roots deep deep down, and try to grasp a reflection of reality that is bigger, bolder than my surroundings.
Night medications are done, the paperwork is filed, the phone-calls continue, hand sanitizer flows free irritating the skin and permeating the office space with it's subtle smell. Homelessness in not going away anytime soon, the Virus is still raging and everyone is bracing for the next wave to hit. Mental Health of the people that I see here tonight is gentle, in need of tending. I sit with them, I listen, I crack jokes if they are welcomed. I make medical database entries afterwards and I continue my frequent rounds through the night to make sure they all will still be here in this realm come morning.
I hope tonight will be one of the days where I would be there for them when they need me, - on time, present, feeling, human.
I cross my fingers to pee faster, eat less, avoid coffee and stay vigilant, attentive, attuned to manute details.
I send my roots deep deep down and I ask, is this still Priestess work? Some of them know of Goddess, many don't. I pray for them often and seldom share it, only if it's invited. I wear PPE's and not my Priestess robes. I use hand-sanitizer and soap and not incense or essential oils. My prayer beads are with me but I can't use them all the time, as more times than not, I need both of my hands free to wipe, clean, resuscitate, call 999...
At the end of it all, often with blood stained clothes and puke in my hair sweaty and tired, falling asleep on the tube when others are just going to work I mutter under my breath:
"Bless the Creatrix and Her Waters.
Bless the coming and going of Her.
May Her passage cleanse the world.
May She keep the world for Her people."
And with this creative spin on a very well known quote I fall asleep, exhausted but happy.
I am Her Priestess, and when the Ceremonies and Rituals, prayers and supplications are done, when Sacred Listening is tended too, when Libations are poured on Her land when I sit in Circle and listen to the breath of Her blessings on the wind I remind myself over and over that I am Her's always and find solace in that, the instant when my soul sings and I once again send my roots deep deep down connected to the Earth.
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